Timmy was a smart boy who knew it was time to leave his diapers behind and learn how to use the potty like a big kid.
To motivate and reward Timmy's progress, his parents gave him a special sticker chart. For every successful potty trip, Timmy received a sticker. He loved seeing his chart fill up with stickers and was so proud of himself every time he earned one.
Even when accidents happened, Timmy didn't give up. He knew that it was all part of the learning process and that he would get better with practice.
After a few weeks, Timmy was potty-trained! He no longer needed diapers
Timmy was thrilled to be a big kid who could use the potty all by himself!
If the above social story works for your child, all you have to do now is to download it to your device and get it printed.
You can personalise this social story by yourself. Click below if you want to know how.
Just remember these steps.
Download. Print. Personalise.
Good luck!
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